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Our front door has a beautiful oval glass that covers the center of the door. Since I do not care for the idea that people on the street could possibly look in on us without my awareness, I've been trying to figure out a way to cover the glass in a way that would not detract from the attractiveness of the house from either inside or outside. I don't sew, and do not own a sewing machine, nor do I have a lot of money. So I've been puzzling over this since we moved in.

Today, I had a brainstorm. The door is steel, so I'm going to buy two magnetic curtain rods and a fabric shower curtain in colors that complement or contrast. Then I will just thread the hooks of the curtain onto the top rod and make an opening in the hem of the shower curtain for the bottom rod to fit through. I will gather the curtain so that it is full; if it is too wide, I can cut it slightly, but I don't think I will need to cut it much if at all.

It should work really well, and it won't be too expensive.

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