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Perfectionism: Easy Path to Frustration  

I did spend some time working on my web page, but WebBuilder is turning out not to be as easy to use at it appeared it would at first I don't know if I'm going to work on it more now or not. I tend to become easily frustrated, since I can clearly "see" how I want the page to look in my mind...and yet, it's not so simple to get there. So I get impatient. You should see my bookmarks lists...they are massive, because I collect so many on a daily basis for later reference. Seems like I'm just determined to remain a packrat, one way or another! I'd like to do some baking today, since I didn't get to it yesterday.

I had to get some help from our unit timekeeper to figure out my time and leave this week. Good news is, I'll have 20 hours of leave built up by the end of this week; not so good news is I had one hour of Leave without pay...sigh. I think my most recent bout of bronchitis is responsible for most of that.

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