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Alleycode, Filezilla...and a few ripe bananas  

Today really is much better than yesterday. For one thing, I did get my banana bread (two loaves) baked first thing. I had to use the bananas before they got too ripe. I dislike black bananas intensely.

I decided for now to shelve Webbuilder. So I went looking for other software that I can use to create webpages. I found Alleycode. It's a silly sounding name, but it does work well. I particularly like being able to actually edit the code, nd the Synchroview feature is handy because I can watch the page develop, step by step. Webbuilder would enter anything I typed, but I couldn't edit if I made mistakes. Plus, Alleycode has a full tutorial and much better help documentation. I completed most of the turotial, and successfully reproduced the example page. Which reminds me, I e mailed Fookes software last night about an issue I'm having with NoteTab Pro. I suppose I won't have a response until sometime this week.

I also got into "my" site at f2o using FileZilla. That in itself was gratifying, since I have zero experience with most of this currently. And none of it costs a cent!!! I've found tutorials, scads of resources and lots of utilities online.

I even had a good chat with Lauren on the phone this morning; she called as I was about to finish the batter for the bread. Dylan even said "hi", although mostly he just smiled, according to Lauren. Her reply when I asked if she and Dylan wanted to come over and have some of the bread was, "save me some!" That's partly why I made two...but there are no guarantees.

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