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Taking the Plunge into Webpage Construction  

It promises to be a stormy night here...welcome to spring. We've been under severe weather advisories/alerts all day. I've finished work, and the weekend is going to be educational, to say the least. I am going to do some coding for my own website...which should fill up a lot of tomorrow. So much to learn!

I'm also going to work on Bubbler just for fun. My sister and I may collaborate on a website; it's a topic under discussion currently.

I've decided not to have Dylan over this weekend, so it will be easier to focus on these plans; it's not fair to him to try to do it when he's here.

I'm also going to bake, probably banana bread.

Jay had a meeting yesterday with his attorney to prepare for his Social Security hearing next week. I went along for moral support, and he said I was a help to him during the appointment. I hope so.

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