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NoteTab issue resolved  

Yesterday I mentioned I had e mailed the creators of NoteTab Pro about a support issue. I got a response today, and the problem has been successfully resolved. (The help files were missing from the program.) What I needed to do was to re-install the software. The e mail I received contained clear and helpful instructions for doing so, and everything is back to normal. I consider the support to be excellent. This is a versatile text editor for all kinds of tasks, and I use it multiple times per day. I would not want to be without it, any more than I ever want to be without AlleyCode, Filezilla, Firefox or a number of other favorites. I'm a very loyal user, and I don't hesitate to recognize the quality of support, good or bad. I tend to delete software for which the support is indifferent or bad; who has time or the desire to use software for which there is poor (or no) support? Certainly not moi.

I've even burned the application's exe file to a cd for safekeeping, so now I can reinstall when necessary. No more worrying about hard drive crashes/upgrade issues nuking my file...(I know, I know...I also back up my other files!)

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