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At LAST....  

I've migrated my blogs to the NEW version of Blogger. I'm going to spend some time looking at all of the new features, and it is likely my template(s) will change. Now I can go through all of the e mail tips I've been saving to see which ones I want to use.

We've been inundated with rain (5 inches on Saturday), sleet, ice...and snow is forecast for tonight and tomorrow, into Wednesday. Passing strange, in this part of the country. I did not go to work today, and may work at home through Wednesday, depending on how fast the weather clears. Bill Engvall has a comedy routine about how the State shuts down when ice and snow occur in places where it is unusual. And he's pegged it: schools close, businesses shut down, people stock up on all kinds of necessities in the event of power outages. If this were Chicago, it would not be news; it would just be winter. Down here, it's major news coverage. The news calls this "Ice Storm '07." My goodness. I just call it c-c-c-cold!

Lauren has just five more weeks until the baby (to be named Ryan, which I think is a wonderful choice) arrives. I worry about her driving on icy roads, so I hope things warm up quickly.

The induction phase of the South Beach diet is almost over. On to Phase Two in just a couple of days. That will last as long as it takes to lose the desired amount of weight, then Phase Three will maintain weight loss.

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