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was just another ordinary day...until the phone rang. I have been unable to stop smiling since then. Lauren called, and we chatted for a bit. Jay and I have been thinking about buying a duplex and doing a rent-to-own arrangement with Lauren and Keith. She told me if we were looking for a duplex, better get one with three bedrooms, "because if not, Dylan will need to share a room with the baby." She is pregnant! The new baby is due in March or April. While this will be her second child, in a way it's like the first time for me, since I didn't get to share the first one with her due to circumstances we had no control over. So, yes, I am excited and thrilled. It's amazing what joy the word "baby" can hold.

Dylan will be three years old by the time his new brother or sister arrives, and it couldn't be better timing. I'm glad we held on to all of his equipment. It's amazing how much "stuff" a little one needs.

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