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Craft Challenge  

Ok, I freely admit: Martha Stewart I am not. I've never been one to always have craft projects in progress. But with the new baby, I've decided I'm going to teach myself to crochet. I went out and bought yarn, hooks, and other supplies...and I'm set. But...even the most basic chain stitch is eluding me, at least for the moment. The booklet I have says, "it's easy to do." Right. But I refuse to just give up. I've found numerous online resources (instructions, patterns, message boards, even videos...and I do have friends who can, one way or another, I am going to learn! (I think grandmothers HAVE to be able to do something to get ready for a new baby...and this is what I am choosing. I already bake.)

I want to be able to create a baby's blanket. Nothing too fancy. I'm not asking for the least, I don't think so. And, I like the portability of crochet; it can go almost anywhere, although I probably won't take it to church. Now, if I can just keep the girls out of the yarn basket...

I have finally put a decent amount of RAM in my computer. Jay took the CPU in to our favorite computer technician after two attempts to install new RAM at home didn't work too well. The technician put two sticks of RAM in, and now it runs much faster. He did say that since this machine is a few years old it might be time to start thinking about getting a new one. I generally buy a new computer every four to five years, and this one is four years old. The one he showed us is a nice machine for a decent price, but it has Windows XP Home OS. No problem. I have a legitimate copy of XP Pro I could probably install to upgrade the OS...but I'm wondering if I can wait a while. I might want to at least look at Vista...whether I buy it or not is still open to consideration. I've got an awful lot of software (freeware and commercial), and I want to be sure that it will work in Vista before I jump. Plus, I just want to check out Vista to see if I can live and work with it or not. Anyway, there's always Linux. *Sigh*. So many choices...

1 comments: to “ Craft Challenge

  • Dr. Anette
    7:17 AM  

    Hi AngelSong,
    Sorry to make this comment one regarding business, but did you figure out how to do the categories so the link doesn't just take you to the delicious site. I have that same problem and can't figure it out. I checked your links, but they do exactly what mine do - which is to not work.

    (NB - I did enjoy reading your blog...)

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