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Video! Courtesy of YouTube

Shifting from DSL to Cable  

Today! We're getting a package deal from our cable company that will save about $100 per month on telephone, cable, and internet access bills. We've had our cable back for six months, and there was an ad for the package, so Jay called and set it up to be installed after we discussed it. Competition is a wonderful thing.

I'm up earler than usual...not entirely by choice. Let's just say I had medication for breakfast. You don't want the details.

I did some preliminary work on my recipes blog (kitchen classics) last night. At least the misadventure has pushed me to create a folder for the recipes instead of having them scattered. Organization is a good thing. When I've got it done, I will put the link back in the sidebar; I haven't yet decided what to do about the Firefox one. I may or may not resurrect it (does anyone read it?) Besides, most of those tips have come from other sources, and I've just pulled them together. Still, it may be worth doing. Food for thought. I was amazed how panicked I felt when I thought I'd lost this blog. I've gone from "I'm never going to have a blog. Who needs them?" to "I'm never going to be without a blog." It's right up there on the must-have list with internet access.

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