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Video! Courtesy of YouTube

Make a Technorati Tag Bookmarklet  

Another tutorial:
This one is courtesy of Kate, who was once again kind enough to share this with me --- twice. I'm going to post it here so that maybe it will not get lost.

The Code:

javascript:(function(){var a='';var t=prompt('Enter Tags:','');var tr=t.split(' ');a+='Technorati Tags: ';for(var i=0;i 0){a+=', ';}a+=''+tr[i]+'';}a+='';prompt('Copy this code, press OK, then paste to your blog entry:',a);})()

Go to Bookmarks>Manage Bookmarks>New Bookmark. Give the bookmark a title such as Technorati Tags. Copy all of the above code into the Target/location field, and click OK. You may want to put the bookmarklet on your bookmarks toolbar for easy access.

To use the bookmarklet:

Create (or edit) a post; then in the html window, place the cursor a couple of lines down from the last line of your post. Click on the bookmarklet; a window will open. Insert as many tags as you like in the text field of the window, separating each tag with a space (not a comma). Click OK.

The next window that opens has the code for your tags in it. Higlight the code, and copy it; click ok. Paste the code into your entry in the edit html window.

Technorati Tags: , ,

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