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I am slightly green  

Can a person be an odor? I think so. The odors of cigar smoke and tar, for example, have always made me physically ill. I used to dread being in a closed car with my father when he lit a cigar. I could count on having a raging headache and an upset stomach every time.

I don't know if you've ever had the highly questionable privilege of smelling burned tea leaves. I have, and I didn't think there was anythng more repugnant...until now.
I began noticing a "gassy" odor in the dining room a couple of days ago, but we could'nt figure out where it was coming from. My husband, bless his heart, got up at 6 AM today to take out the kitchen trash after having a virus all day yesterday, but the odor did not change. I went to rest after having been up all night (see my other post for today), and he decided he was going to clean up a bit. When I got up, he told me he'd found the source of the odor. Spoiled onions. Trust me, it's worse than burned tea, and nearly as bad as cigar smoke and tar.

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