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Saturday night was truly scary  

I had a terrible case of acid reflux as I began eating dinner. I had to leave the table for a bit. I'll spare you the details. Later, I went to bed, and was nearly asleep, when I started feeling chills. I was under blankets, and the room was not cold, but I felt as though I was cold from the inside out. Like my bones were cold. I did not have fever. I began to shiver, and my teeth chattered. My husband put extra blankets (every one we have) on the bed. Still I shivered. Then, just as I thought it was beggining to ease...CRAMPS in my thigh muscles, almost at my hips. I was rolling all over the bed, trying to get them to stop, and it hurt so bad, I put my face in the pillows and yelled. The cats both freaked. Immediately, they jumped on the bed, and Darla was walking back and forth on my back. Duchess was trying to paw through my hair to see my face. Neither of them would budge from the bed. My husband turned the heat up to maximum, then came and laid down beside me and held me. I eventually did stop shaking, and went to sleep. My husband, bless him, was sleeping beside me when I got up this morning, and he told me when he woke that he had stayed up until 5:30 AM, to watch over me in case I had another attack like that.

I got up during the night for the bathroom, and I was very weak. I was also covered in sweat. My husband helped me get up and back to bed safely.

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