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Special Days  

February's chill cannot overcome the special days for our family this month. Today is the anniversary of my maternal great grandmother's birth.
Tomorrow, of course is Groundhog Day. (I'm expecting six more weeks of winter.) On the 10th, my neighbor will celebrate her birthday; the 11th is the anniversary of my grandmother's birth; the 14th is my birthday and it's the first birthday of my grandson, Ryan; the 15th is the birthday of one of my friends' son; the 16th is the birthday of one of my cousins. The 28th is Dylan's fourth birthday. Quite a lot going on for a short month.

It feels much more pleasant to be making mortgage payments than it ever did to pay the rent. I have a real sense of "paying ourselves". I'm going to work on our taxes this weekend, if I have time. If not, next weekend for sure. I've already taken care of some of the bills for the month. Again, much more pleasant than it used to be.

We have met one more of our neighbors. She is a keeper, as well. She came to visit last Saturday, and we chatted for a while. Again, good neighbors are a gift.

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