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A Fresh, New Year....  

Happy 2008! We did stay up to see the New Year in. I have a hard time imagining 1 million people in Times Square in New York City. I'm just as glad we stayed home; not as many fireworks as I thought there might be, but a few more than in the city, I think. The girls didn't seem too bothered by them this year; they always go hide under the bed when people start shooting off firecrackers. I never got much past sparklers, myself, and it's been ages since I held a sparkler. It's a wonderful day here, with bright sunshine. One of many things I enjoy about this house is that we don't need any indoor lighting during the daytime unless it is very overcast outside. I have had my New Year's blackeyed peas (for lunch today), so I'm all set. I did a bit more work on the blog template this morning, and I'm still finding plenty to study. I'm trying hard not to have my blog become the "link dump" that it once was. Still, I learn new skills each time I edit the template, and those skills transfer to other projects relatively easily. And a blog does seem like a relatively safe place to practice. If I mess up, I can always go back to a saved version of the template. I definitely believe in making backup copies.

I am going to start working on my transcription class this weekend. I do plan to write a lot more. I'm thinking about participating in NaNoWriMo. Need to find out more about that.

It's hard to believe Dylan is going to be four at the end of February, and Ryan will be 1 on my birthday. How quickly they grow up. I have had no more respiratory illness since we moved in here. Maybe the water treatment system is partly responsible, since it includes an air filtration system.

Babble had just 64 words today. I much prefer LARGE grids...

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