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Sleep, redefined  

I've had the CPAP machine for a couple of weeks, and the difference in my energy level is marked. I don't break my jaws yawning any more, and I definitely feel more alert. The equipment is very compact and easy to assemble, disassemble and clean. Plus, it's very quiet, just a small amount of white noise. I don't wake up dozens of times at night any more.

The insurance requires that the machine is considered to be rented for six months, before the company will purchase it. The reason for this is that too many people were geting the machine but did not use it consistently.

My new "wheels" will be here in about two weeks; the new company I finally did choose to work with (because it is "in-network" for my insurance) has done all of the documentation; the doctor has signed off on it, and a physical therapist came by this morning to do a short assessment. She will fax her documentation to the company, and the chair should be ordered next week, to arrive the week after next.

Dylan got an Easter card with money inside, and his great-gramma sent him a "power suit." Lauren thinks it's wonderful. They just came for a quick visit, and when he kissed me goodbye, Dylan asked me to also give his "Shrek" doll a hug, which of course I did...

Jay's working tonight, and may work tomorrow night also; he should be able to pick up extra hours this summer. Everything helps. We are working with a counselor (not because we are in difficulty but because we want to enrich our relationship), and it is going well.

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