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Video! Courtesy of YouTube

Mission Accomplished...Phase 1  

I had an appointment this morning with a Respiratory Therapist who carefully reviewed all of my new CPAP equipment with me and fitted me with my first mask. I can get new masks every six months.

The equipment fits into a neat travel bag a little larger than a backpack; it includes:

the CPAP machine itself (smaller than a portable radio I used to have)
the humidifier and heater
the tubing
the mask (small and light weight) and filter
the documentation (several manuals, booklets and brochures)
the "card" that holds my settings and readings
the power cord

total weight is around 8 pounds and it is quite portable. I'm definitely looking forward to using the equipment and finally feeling rested when I awaken. I haven't been rested for so long I've forgotten what it's like.

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