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No, not the kind computer users get nervous about. I'm talking about the real deal: Toll House Cookies, made from scratch. I've just made a batch, and they are all ready for company on Thanksgiving. I'm going to freeze them until the day before our feast. I'm giving a dozen as part of a holiday gift exchange at the office in the first week of December, but they will easily store in the freezer for up to eight weeks. I used the recipe from the back of the bag of chocolate morsels, but if you don't have one, you can see the recipe at the Nestle's site.

Next up: homemade banana bread. It will also go into the freezer, and all I have left to bake (for now) is a cake and two pies.

This is one of my all time favorite times of the year. Unlike some people I know, I love cooking for holidays, and the more elaborate the menu, the better I like it. It's the ultimate in creativity.

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