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Beginning to Gear Up  

Welcome to November. Already we're beginning to plan for Thanksgiving. Menus to plan, shopping to do,'s one of my favorite times of the year. This year as we've done for the last couple of years, we will have our holiday dinner not on Thanksgiving itself, but the day after. I have to work on Thanksgiving Day, but I have an earlier shift than usual, so when I get home, there will be time to do last minute prep for the next day. I am so looking forward to having family here. Lauren, her fiance Keith, and Dylan will be here, and Adam may get to come if he has time off. My parents will be invited also. Jay's family is in West Virginia, but they will be here in spirit, I'm sure. I'm thinking of doing extra baking, for Christmas gifts. By the end of the month, we'll be planning our Chistmas decorating. The girls (Duchess and Darla) have been really good about not wrecking the decorations; a well placed spray bottle helps curb their tendency to poke their noses into everything and wreak havoc in the process.

I finally did get one pesky post completed for another blog. I'd been struggling with it for two weeks. Most of my posts are much easier to write than that. I will likely be reformatting my hard drive before the end of the month.

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