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categories project is progressing  

Nope, I haven't fallen off the planet. I've been updating other blogs, and working on HC, and doing a few other things to clear items off my to-do list. After staring at it for two or three weeks, I've finally decided to start working on making categories for this blog, since it's the largest I have. Major changes seem to occur here first; the other blogs sometimes get the same changes later. I'm not sure why I do it this way; maybe it's because, once the change occurs here, it feels official. It would probably be easier to implement changes on the other blogs first....but I prefer doing it this way.) I opened my tutorial and put the actual steps for creating categories on my to-do list for easy reference (with the tutorial still availabe for detailed help in another file). I've begun the process by going back to put tags on my old posts, so at least I've got a start. It's one of those times when a project just looks too huge and complicated to ever complete; cutting it into manageable steps has seemed to help, if only to get me moving on it.

I found out the other day that the CIRCUS is coming. Naturally, we're going to take Dylan. I can barely wait. I want to see his eyes the first time he sees an elephant and the clowns. This is a rite of childhood that no one ever outgrows.

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