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When Life Hands You Lemons.....  

...Most people will complete the title sentence with "...make lemonade." I, however, am not most people...and what I choose to do with my lemons isn ot such a huge deal, but a lot of fun: I am learning through trial and error to make lemon meringue pie.

Attempt 1: Went into the trash. Filling was good, crust was prefab, meringue flopped. Yuck. it was horrid.

Attempt 2: Crust was homemade; filling was so so, meringue was wonderful.

Attempt 3: crust prefab; meringue terrific. Jury is still out on the filling which may be a little bit runny...will have to wait until tomorrow to find out, as it's in the refrigerator now. The recipe only makes 8 servings, which is not a long term commitment...

I have a recipe for banana cheesecake I want to try as well. I love cooking! I've given up making carrot cake for a while...the last one got put into the freezer, so we're tired of it.

These recipes and more can be found at Kitchen Classics.

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